20.-21. Mai 2022

The short film festival aims to create visibility for underrepresented issues and concerns of diverse groups of marginalized actors and to challenge gender norms, the heteronormative matrix, and social power relations.

Visibilities möchte Sichtbarkeit für unterrepräsentierte Themen und Anliegen von diversen Gruppen marginalisierter Akteur*innen schaffen und Gendernormen, die heteronormative Matrix sowie gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse infrage stellen.

challenging body norms 

The body is political! Patriarchal structures ensure that our bodies are pushed into various normative standards as expressions of power relations. These standards are responsible for the fact that all bodies that are not declared to be the norm experience exclusion and oppression. The short film program aims to make different bodies visible and to liberate us from norms, to rebel, to create visibility for non-normative bodies.

Körper sind politisch! Patriarchale Strukturen sorgen dafür, dass unsere Körper als Ausdruck von Machtverhältnissen in verschiedene normative Standards gedrängt werden. Körper, die von der deklarierten Norm abweichen, erfahren Ausgrenzung und Unterdrückung. 
Die Reihe hat den Anspruch verschiedene Körperbilder sichtbar zu machen und uns von Normen zu befreien, zu rebellieren, Sichtbarkeit für diverse Körperbilder zu schaffen sowie vermeintliche Maßstäbe herauszufordern. 


This short film program aims to represent identities, affiliations, solidarity, friendships, relationships, and the understanding of love beyond patriarchal structures to create an empowering space.

In dieser Reihe möchten wir anhand von verschiedenen Kurzfilmen Identitäten, Zugehörigkeiten, Solidaritäten, Freund*innenschaften, Beziehungen und das Verständnis von Liebe abseits patriarchaler Strukturen aufzeigen und somit einen aktivistisch-emanzipatorischen Raum schaffen.
Activism Against Gender-based Violence 
Patriarchal structures ensure that FLINTA* individuals worldwide experience various forms of violence in different contexts because of their gender. This short film program aims to show different forms of structural violence against FLINTA* through several short films by diverse actors. The series has an emancipatory agenda and offers space for reflection.

Patriarchale Strukturen sorgen dafür, dass FLINTA* Personen weltweit aufgrund ihres Geschlechts in unterschiedlichen Kontexten verschiedenste Formen von Gewalt erfahren. Diese Filmreihe möchte Formen struktureller Gewalt gegen FLINTA* anhand mehrerer Kurzfilme von diversen Akteur*innen zeigen. Die Reihe hat einen emanzipatorischen Anspruch und bietet Raum für Reflexion.

challenging patriarchy 
This short film program presents different aspects of gender identity, non-normative bodies, friendships, and sexuality. We want to break down oppressive power structures and sketch a world outside patriarchal structures.

Diese Reihe stellt unterschiedliche Aspekte von Genderidentität, nicht-normativen Körperbildern, Freund*innenschaften und Sexualität dar. Unser Anspruch ist es unterdrückende Machtstrukturen aufzubrechen und eine Welt außerhalb patriarchaler Strukturen zeichnen.
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85 min., OmeU
The short film festival aims to create visibility for underrepresented issues and concerns of diverse groups of marginalized actors and to challenge gender norms, the heteronormative matrix, and social power relations.
The body is political! Patriarchal structures ensure that our bodies are pushed into various normative standards as expressions of power relations. These standards are responsible for the fact that all bodies that are not declared to be the norm experience exclusion and oppression.
The short film program aims to make different bodies visible and to liberate us from norms, to rebel, to create visibility for non-normative bodies.


95 min., OmeU
The short film festival aims to create visibility for underrepresented issues and concerns of diverse groups of marginalized actors and to challenge gender norms, the heteronormative matrix, and social power relations.
This short film program aims to represent identities, affiliations, solidarity, friendships, relationships, and the understanding of love beyond patriarchal structures to create an empowering space.


66 min., OmeU
The short film festival aims to create visibility for underrepresented issues and concerns of diverse groups of marginalized actors and to challenge gender norms, the heteronormative matrix, and social power relations.
This short film program presents different aspects of gender identity, non-normative bodies, friendships, and sexuality. We want to break down oppressive power structures and sketch a world outside patriarchal structures.


91 min., OmeU
The short film festival aims to create visibility for underrepresented issues and concerns of diverse groups of marginalized actors and to challenge gender norms, the heteronormative matrix, and social power relations.
Patriarchal structures ensure that FLINTA* individuals worldwide experience various forms of violence in different contexts because of their gender. This short film program aims to show different forms of structural violence against FLINTA* through several short films by diverse actors. The series has an emancipatory agenda and offers space for reflection.