#de Der Donbas ist eine Region in der Ostukraine, die derzeit weltweit durch
den erbitterten Krieg mit Russland. Allerdings ist nicht jedem bekannt, dass der Donbas Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts das Zentrum
belgischer, deutscher, französischer, britischer und amerikanischer Ansiedlungen war. Diese Region beherbergte Unternehmer
aus verschiedenen Ländern, die Architektur und Unternehmen bauten und fortschrittliche Technologien in diese Region einführten.
Nach der Revolution von 1917 und der Machtübernahme durch die UdSSR wurden die Fabriken und das Privateigentum der europäischen
und nordamerikanischen Siedler geraubt, wodurch die Erinnerung an die europäische Geschichte in der Region zerstört wurde.
In dem Film erzählen Experten, Historiker und Einheimische ihre Geschichten und Beweise über die Geschichte der Region, die
von den sowjetischen Behörden zerstört und verzerrt wurde, die daran arbeiteten, das Vermächtnis europäischer Unternehmer
wie John Hughes, Ernest Solvay und Henrich Laude zu löschen.
Das Filmteam
entdeckte einzigartiges Archivmaterial, das animiert wurde und den Donbas im 19. Der Dokumentarfilm "Eurodonbas" zeigt das
europäische Erbe von Städten wie Mariupol, Lyssytschansk, Druschkiwka und dem Dorf New York in der Region Donezk kurz vor
der Eskalation des russisch-ukrainischen Krieges. Diese Orte im Donbass sind in den Massenmedien weltweit gut bekannt, da
sie während der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine durch russische Raketen fast vollständig zerstört wurden.
In Kooperation mit dem Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen (IWM)
Mit Diskussionrunde im Anschluss
#en Donbas is a region in Eastern Ukraine that is currently recognized worldwide due to the
fierce war with Russia. Although, not everyone is well-acquainted with the fact, that at the end of the 19th century, Donbas was the center of Belgian, German, French, British, and American settlements. This region housed entrepreneurs from different countries who built architecture, and enterprises; introduced progressive technologies to this region. After the revolution of 1917, and the USSR's rise to power, the factories, and private property were taken from the European and North American settlers, destroying the memory of European history there. In the film, experts, historians, and local people tell their tales and pieces of evidence about the region's history, which was destroyed and distorted by Soviet authorities who worked to erase the legacies of European entrepreneurs like John Hughes, Ernest Solvay, and Henrich Laude. The film crew discovered the unique archival materials which were animated and show Donbas during the 19th century. The documentary film'Eurodonbas'shows the European heritage of such cities as Mariupol, Lysychansk, Druzhkivka, and New York village in the Donetsk region just before the escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. These places of Donbas are well-recognized in the world mass media, as they were almost destroyed by Russian missiles during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
In Cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
Followed by a discussion
In Kooperation mit dem Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen (IWM)
Mit Diskussionrunde im Anschluss
#en Donbas is a region in Eastern Ukraine that is currently recognized worldwide due to the
fierce war with Russia. Although, not everyone is well-acquainted with the fact, that at the end of the 19th century, Donbas was the center of Belgian, German, French, British, and American settlements. This region housed entrepreneurs from different countries who built architecture, and enterprises; introduced progressive technologies to this region. After the revolution of 1917, and the USSR's rise to power, the factories, and private property were taken from the European and North American settlers, destroying the memory of European history there. In the film, experts, historians, and local people tell their tales and pieces of evidence about the region's history, which was destroyed and distorted by Soviet authorities who worked to erase the legacies of European entrepreneurs like John Hughes, Ernest Solvay, and Henrich Laude. The film crew discovered the unique archival materials which were animated and show Donbas during the 19th century. The documentary film'Eurodonbas'shows the European heritage of such cities as Mariupol, Lysychansk, Druzhkivka, and New York village in the Donetsk region just before the escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War. These places of Donbas are well-recognized in the world mass media, as they were almost destroyed by Russian missiles during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
In Cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
Followed by a discussion