Kriegsbilder x this human world

“Kriegsbilder" is an initiative founded by eight artists from the University of Applied Arts of Vienna, six of which are Ukrainians. The organization has two goals. Our main goal is to spread knowledge about Ukrainian culture. On the other hand, we are raising donations and send them to ukrainian funds who provide humanitarian aid to support ukrainians in this nightmare times. The war not only takes away the freedom to experience and create culture but also physically destroys museums, theaters, concert halls, cinemas. We want to provide a shelter for Ukrainian culture. The main focus is a series of events in which Ukrainian documentaries and feature films are presented to the public: "Kriegsbilder - Emergency Cinema from Ukraine". Our vision is to establish Kriegsbilder as a long-term socio-cultural charity institution that brings people together in and outside of Vienna, giving space to education, art, and Ukrainian cinematography and culture.
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UK, 2019
96 min., OmdU
Nachdem er seinen ältesten Sohn im Krieg zwischen Russland und der Ukraine verloren hat, beschließt Mustafa, den Leichnam an dessen Geburtsort zurück zu bringen — auf die Halbinsel Krim. Gemeinsam mit seinem jüngsten Sohn begibt er sich auf die Reise, die ihr Verhältnis grundlegend verändern wird.

Mit Diskussion im Anschluss
Screening in cooperation with This Human World Filmfestival and Kriegsbilder
Eintritt freie Spende


UK, 2019
109 min., OmdU
A prize-winner at the Venice Film Festival and Ukraine's official selection for the 2021 Academy Awards, Atlantis is a gorgeous and visionary sci-fi drama. Eastern Ukraine, 2025. A desert unsuitable for human habitation. Water is a dear commodity brought by trucks. A Wall is being build-up on the border. Sergiy, a former soldier, is having trouble adapting to his new reality. He meets Katya while on the Black Tulip mission dedicated to exhuming the past. Together, they try to return to some sort of normal life in which they are also allowed to fall in love again.

Admission free donation

Kriegsbilder : Earth/Zemlya

UK, 1930
83 min., OmdU
Earth is the most famous Ukrainian film, a world cinema masterpiece, and a poetic film about collectivization in Ukraine at the end of the 1920s. The film tells about the creation of the first collective farm communes and class enmity: Vasyl, a member of the Komsomol, with the help of a local party organization, gets a tractor and plows private boundaries "on kulak fields". However, this enthusiasm will cost him dearly.

Screening in cooperation with This Human World Filmfestival and Kriegsbilder
Free entrance / donation

Kriegsbilder: BABYLON XX

UK, 1979
100 min., OmdU
The new reality changes the usual life in the village of Babylon. Attempts to communize the small town are met with resistance from the rich people living in the town. The Red Army finally puts down the resistance. Amidst the resistance, philosopher Fabian returns to Babylon and tries to prevent bloodshed, but he meets a tragic fate.
With discussion after the screening!

Screening in cooperation with This Human World Filmfestival and Kriegsbilder
Free entrance / donation

Kriegsbilder: SCHOOL NUMBER 3

UK, DE, 2017
115 min., OmdU
Thirteen adolescents from a rebuilt school in South Ukrainian Donbass relate their hopes and fears. In rigorously composed shots, the documentary film shows the protagonists in their everyday environment, while they tell of experiences that move them, of nascent new loves and personal loss alike. The war is often only immediately perceptible on the periphery, yet it makes its presence felt as an unavoidable frame of reference.

Following the screening we are glad to host a Q&A with the director and many documentary characters of the movie:
Viktoriia Horodynska (documentary character)
Alina Kobernik (documentary character)
Ruslan Ivanov (documentary character)
Babakov Oleksandr (documentary character)
Liza Smith  (director)

Screening in cooperation with This Human World Filmfestival and Kriegsbilder
Free entrance / donation


UK, DE, 2018
106 min., OmdU
A series of odd coincidences has left Lukas, an interpreter for an OSCE military checkpoint inspection tour, stranded near a small southern Ukrainian steppe town. With nowhere to turn, this city boy finds shelter at the home of a colorful local named Vova. With Vova as his guide, Lukas is confronted by a universe beyond his imagination, one in which life seems utterly detached from any identifiable structure. Fascinated by his host and his host's daughter Marushka, with whom he is rapidly falling in love, Lukas’s contempt for provincial life slowly melts away and sets him on a quest for a happiness he had never known could exist.

Entrance: Free donations


UK, 2019
104 min., OmdU
#en Twenty-five-year-old Vadym earns a living recording and selling all kinds of different sounds; nevertheless, he’d rather exchange his life in Kyiv for a better future in far-flung Canada. Thus, when he gets a generous job offer which might help him realise his dream, he jumps at the chance; he soon sets off to record the sounds of animals indigenous to Ukraine and also a rare bird native to the Carpathians. The situation proves somewhat more complicated when Vadym’s companion on the trip turns out to be his mother… To the sounds of a synthesized music score, debuting Ukrainian director Antonio Lukich unfolds a visually creative road movie, in which he demonstrates a highly unusual talent for constructing tragicomic situations.


UK, 2016
We are glad to announce our next screening that will take place in cinema @schikaneder again!
In collaboration with international festival @thishumanworld
We will show documentary film “Mariupolis” (2016) by Mantas Kvedaravicius. Film dedicated to people and residents of Mariupol.

Date: 13.05.2022
Time: 20:00-22:00
Location: Margaretenstraße 22-24
Entrance: free donation

Instagram:  @kriegsbilder_ua
Facebook:  @kriegsbilder


UA, 2018
64 min., OmdU
KRIEGSBILDER zeigt in Kooperation mit THIS HUMAN WORLD den Film NO OBVIOUS SIGNS.  Im Anschluss Q&A via Zoom.

This is the story of a woman who returns from war. Talking to psychologists, battling her PTSD and panic attacks, she tries hard to get back to normal life. The documentary shows her path from the beginning of her rehabilitation till her going back to work. The film was included on a list of the 100 best Ukrainian films by the National Oleksandr Dovzhenko Film Center.

Eintritt: Freie Spende

Instagram:  @kriegsbilder_ua
Facebook:  @kriegsbilder

Kurzfilmprogramm / Eintritt Freie Spende

MARIUPOL, I LOVE YOU (SHORTS) / Kriegsbilder - Kino aus der Ukraine

UK, 2016-2020
50 min., OmdU
KRIEGSBILDER zeigt eine Kurzfilmreihe ukrainischer Filmschaffender über den nunmehr 8-jährigen Krieg in der Ukraine.
Screening in Kooperation mit THIS HUMAN WORLD Filmfestival
im Anschluss Q&A via Zoom mit den Filmemacher:innen

Eintritt: Freie Spende

Instagram:  @kriegsbilder_ua
Facebook:  @kriegsbilder