Transition - International Queer Minorities Film Festival

Das Transition Filmfestival im Schikaneder zeigt die Vielfalt von LGBTIQ+-Menschen mit umfangreichem Rahmenprogramm. (Barrierefrei zugänglich über die schikaneder Bar / Eintritt: Freie Spende / first come, first serve)

Seit über 100 Jahren ist Film ein sehr wichtiger Bestandteil moderner Gesellschaft, eine wichtige Komponente unserer Kommunikationskultur und ein Werkzeug für Dialog und Sichtbarkeit. Die Erlebniswelt auf der großen Leinwand verbindet Filmemacher_innen und Zuschauer_innen, ermöglicht Blicke über den Tellerrand und artikuliert in einer universalen Sprache unsere Lebenskonzepte, Ängste und Hoffnungen. Es gibt kein besser geeignetes Medium, um jene gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen anzusprechen, die sich an der Kreuzung zwischen Anderssein und Anderssein ergeben. TRANSITION zeigt die Vielfalt von LGBTIQ-Menschen. Durch Vorträge, Workshops und Filme möchten wir Sichtbarkeit erhöhen, Intersektionalität fördern und Möglichkeiten des Dialogs schaffen, zu Themen wie Migration, Refugees, Behinderung, Trans*, People of Colour, Inter* und vielen anderen. Das Medium Film ermöglicht uns, für mehr Selbstbewusstsein und Sichtbarkeit zu sorgen. In der heutigen, globalisierten und integrierten Welt, ist das wichtiger denn je. TRANSITION ist seit fünf Jahren ein wichtiger Bestandteil der queeren Filmcommunity. Zusätzlich zu unserem Filmfestival in Wien sind wir außerdem die einzige queere Filmveranstaltung, die auch in Graz, Innsbruck und Salzburg stattfindet. Wir wollen Platz schaffen für Geschichten, Dialog und Netzwerken. Klassische und zeitgenössische Filme, Kurzfilme und Spielfilme, gefeierte Filmemacher_innen und Newcomer_innen, lokale und internationale Gäste kommen zusammen, um queere Vielfältigkeit zu feiern. Wir wollen raus aus der Exotik und den Platz, der uns gehört, miteinnehmen, für mehr gefühltes und gelebtes Miteinander. mehr
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closing film: mascarpone

IT, 2021
101 min., OmdU
30 years, divorced and unemployed – the personal ad practically writes itself! when antonio gets divorced from his longtime partner, it pulls the rug out from under his feet. forced to discover his unexpected and new single life, antonio takes a few chances that turn out to be pretty exciting adventures. starting an apprenticeship as a confectioner, pies aren’t the only sweet things that end up on his plate!
Tickets > 8
Transition Queer Film Night

The Marriage

RKS/ALB, 2017
97 min., OmdU
Their wedding is in just two weeks, and Anita and Bekim are adding the final touches to their big day. Despite expecting news from Anita’s parents, missing since the 1999 Kosovo War, and with Bekim’s controlling family in turn, the couple somehow seems to manage with the preparations. But when Bekim’s secret gay ex-lover, Nol, returns unexpectedly from abroad, the situation becomes complicated – especially when Bekim realises Nol is still in love with him. Inevitably, the wedding banquet becomes loaded with tension when the unusual love triangle starts to unravel.

Transition Queer Minorities Film Festival
Transition Queer Film Night


POL, 2018
130 min., OmeU (polnisch)
After twenty years, Nina's marriage to Wojtek is going nowhere, partly because of their failed attempts to have children. When they meet a young woman, Magda, they decide to propose that she become a surrogate mother for their child. But things get more complicated when Nina suddenly feels attracted to Magda.
tickets 7.50.-


BRA, 2018
85 min., OmdU
Calí dos Anjos, 2016, 10 min
Bruno Victor, Marcus Azevedo, 2017, 16 min
Júlia Leite, 2017, 21 min
Andreia Pires, Leonardo Mouramateus, 2017, 22 min

Transition Queer Minorities Film Festival
FREE ENTRY first come, first serve


USA, 2018
86 min., OmdU
Defined by dynamic and unified movements and full of bold pageantry, fierce style, and undeniable form, “bucking” is a dance subculture that is slowly entering the mainstream. More than two decades old, it was created by African American gay men in the South as a response to being excluded from participation in majorette routines, due to homophobia and societal pressure.

Transition Queer Minorities Film Festival
FREE ENTRY first come, first serve


US, 2018
93 min., OmdU
MAN MADE takes us into the heart of transgender male (FTM) culture, revealing unexpected truths about gender, masculinity, humanity and love. Four trans men (who like the film's director were born and raised female), take a variety of life paths toward stepping on stage at Trans FitCon, the only all-transgender bodybuilding competition in the world (held in Atlanta, GA). MAN MADE is a character-driven, intimate, and riveting verité-style competition film, but also a unique social justice narrative. It speaks to the ways in which we all choose to define and reshape ourselves, both figuratively and literally.

Transition Queer Minorities Film Festival
FREE ENTRY first come, first serve

Bixa Travesty

BRA, 2018
75 min., OmdU
Black Brazilian transgender singer Linn da Quebrada weaponizes the trans body and music for political protest. Linn and childhood friend Jup do Bairro use extravagantly costumed music performances to dazzle audiences while opposing their country’s white heteronormative order. Figuring her embodied existence as resistance, Linn eschews the role of cis woman, choosing a fluid gender identity instead. Full of funny and intimate moments, the film advocates for personal choice against a society that imposes static gender identity.

Transition Queer Minorities Film Festival
FREE ENTRY first come, first serve

A Moment in the Reeds

FIN, 2018
108 min., OmdU
When literature student Leevi arrives at his father's summer home, he meets Syrian refugee Tareq who is working on the house. Their weekend affair exposes generational and cultural chasms in an outwardly peaceful setting in Finland's first gay romantic feature.

Transition Queer Minorities Film Festival
FREE ENTRY first come, first serve