Dive into the diverse and groundbreaking world of adult cinema at the Porn Film Festival Vienna! From April 10-15, 2024, we're bringing pornography from private viewing into the public eye, celebrating a wide spectrum of sexual orientations, identities, and narratives.
Expect a vibrant selection of feminist, queer, and LGBTQIA+ films that challenge mainstream norms. Beyond screenings, engage in Q&A sessions, panel discussions, lectures, and workshops designed to spark conversation and reflection.
Join us at PFFV to explore adult content in a new light, fostering an inclusive environment for dialogue on sexuality and identity. Be part of redefining adult content together at the Porn Film Festival Vienna. Don't miss this unique festival experience!
Taucht ein in die vielfältige Welt des Erwachsenenkinos beim Porn Film Festival Vienna! Vom 10. bis 15. April 2024 bringen wir Pornografie aus dem Privaten ins öffentliche Rampenlicht und feiern ein breites Spektrum an sexuellen Orientierungen, Identitäten und Erzählungen.
Erwartet eine lebendige Auswahl feministischer, queerer und LGBTQIA+ Filme, die die Normen des Mainstreams herausfordern. Neben den Vorführungen warten Q&A-Sessions, Podiumsdiskussionen, Vorträge und Workshops auf Euch, die zum Gespräch und zur Reflexion anregen.
Kommt zum PFFV, um Erwachseneninhalte in neuem Licht zu erkunden und eine inklusive Umgebung für Dialoge über Sexualität und Identität zu fördern. Seid Teil der Neugestaltung von Pornografie gemeinsam beim Porn Film Festival Vienna. Verpasst nicht dieses einzigartige Festivalerlebnis!
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FR, 2023
98 min., OmdU
In "Orlando" (1928), Virginia Woolf tells the story of a young man who ends up being a woman. Almost 100 years after the publication of the novel, which is now considered a key queer text, philosopher and trans activist Paul B. Preciado writes a film letter to Woolf and calls out to her: "Your character has come true, the world is full of Orlandos today! In his film, he traces his own transformation and lets 25 other trans and non-binary people between the ages of 8 and 70 have their say. They all slip into the role of Orlando.


INT, 2023
91 min., OV
Our selection of FOOD & NATURE PORN SHORTS brings together ecosexual notions that combine a love for the planet, nature, and sustainability with sexual pleasure and desires. Focusing on awareness and appreciation for the ongoing, yet constantly mistreated, cycles of life and nature, these films offer a space to reflect our own relationship to mother earth and consider the ways in which our environments nurture and pleasure us - and how we can reciprocate.


INT, 2023
86 min., OV
Porn outside the mainstream is about sexual politics, fighting stereotypes, body positivity, inclusion, care, and sexual revolution. In summary, it is political through and through.
In addition to being a platform for sexual self-expression, porn is also educational and a celebration of diversity. These films articulate explicit political messages, they take a stand on current issues, challenge ways of representation, and therefore become an activist medium in the fight against social injustice and discrimination.


90 min.,
with Pleasure Catalysts

Inspired by the Hysterical Literature series (a viral video art series exploring mind/body dualism, distraction portraiture, and the contrast between culture and sexuality) we bring an outrageously funny and sexy live performance where brave individuals will expose their erotic soul while comfortably shielded from view. Seated at a table concealing their lower half, the performer introduces themselves, and begins performing, be it reading, singing or whatever can be done while “comfortably” seated. Under the table, outside of their control, an unseen assistant of their choice will distract them with powerful vibrations. Hilarity and sexiness ensues, we promise!


90 min.,
in collaboration with CHEEX

Introducing "Porn in the Dark" at PFFV: An Auditory Journey into Eroticism
We are thrilled to present a pioneering event at the Porn Film Festival Vienna (PFFV) - "Porn in the Dark". This unique event challenges traditional modes of pornography consumption by removing visual elements entirely, inviting attendees to experience desire and lust purely through sound.


CA, 2023
75 min., OV
A documentary film journey into the secret world of pleasure, pain, and power. Told through the interweaving of four main stories;
Grace, an all-American soccer mom, learns to “Awaken the Goddess” inside her as she makes her nervous first foray into the realm of being a Dominatrix.
Mistress Evilyne, a British Dominatrix on a cultural mission, is outed in the tabloid press and harassed by the British establishment.
Robin, the fearless Kinkster and good old boy from Texas, who just happens to be a slave and property of a Dominatrix.
January Seraph, the mercurial muse, guide, and inspiration behind understanding the secret power that all possess, but few truly realize, is revealed to those brave enough to “tOuch Kink”.


INT, 2022
64 min., OV
A film program for those desiring sensual extensions of bodies and objects, for individuals with tactile passions, for sound design enthusiasts, for those who have recently fallen in love, and for all whose hearts ache, seeking solace in the immersive realms of smoke, water, and bliss. We invite you on a journey of love-stricken obsessions through the material world that envelops and permeates us. How do you deal and embrace your compulsions, fixations and obsessions? Lets have a chat after the screening. See you there :)


INT, 2023
90 min., OV
Our selection of GAY PORN SHORTS sends a highly intriguing selection of  “gaze changers” your way… These films explore a variety of gay fantasies by, on one hand, taking on a fantastically spicy and playful angle, while on the other hand, drawing attention to challenging aspects of hidden desires. Political, passionate, or playful - but always intimate - audiences are in good hands to embrace the long-standing effects of this years deep-dive into gay porn shorts.


INT, 2023
79 min., OV
Mainstream media is still dominated by heteronormative, sexist, and stigmatizing (mis-)representations of bodies and sexualities. This is why our QUEER PORN SHORTS take a stance against discrimination, and for body positivity, LGBTQIA+ diversity, and inclusion. All forms of sexualities and identities are celebrated in this category which aims to create the framework for a queer safer space full of joy and expression.


A Night of Shine, Glamour, and Unbounded Self-Expression

Dive headfirst into the enchanting world of the Salon Kitty Revue, which, this year, brings a dash of PORN to the Porn Film Festival Vienna for a show that promises to be unforgettable. Prepare to be whisked away into a night filled with daring, elegance, and burlesque & drag cabaret by a handpicked selection of artists on April 12, 2024, starting at 20:30 and 23:00.


EU 60 min.,
presented by Yavuz Kurtulmus & Menelas Siafakas

Welcome to a double screening of the latest film of two directors who should in a geopolitical sense not be friends. Each director presenting a film infused with essential flavours of their respective countries. Two countries on opposite sides of the Aegean Sea, each supposedly representing very different things: East vs. West, Europe vs. Asia, Muslim faith vs. Christianity, Logic vs. Mysticism. What we might discover though, is that there are many more similarities hidden in human desire than differences.


INT, 2023
91 min., OV
This selection of QUEER PORN SHORTS explores and celebrates various ways and settings of LGBTQIA+ diversity, body positivity/ neutrality, queer sexuality, pleasure, and joy. Artsy, steamy, kinky, funny, or wholesome - these films give visibility to underrepresented identities and bodies, claim queer spaces, counteract stereotypes, and thereby challenge the mainstream culture of porn production.


INT, 2023
89 min., OV
Delving deep into the realms of our DARK TEMPTATION PORN SHORTS selection, boundaries of desire and fear are explored, limits of taboo subjects and extreme thrills are challenged. These films blur the lines between reality and fantasy, immersing the spectator into visceral experiences and surrender to deepest, darkest desires.


JP, 2016
70 min., OmdU
Hentai - pornographic anime that contains an endless variety of fantasies and possibilities. Since the first animation in 1984, Hentai has rapidly developed into an independent narrative form and, unlike conventional porn, is not tied to reality.
What is real, however, is the hype around the medium itself. But what made Hentai’s rise in popularity over the past few years possible? In our Hentai Porn Shorts series we invite you to see the colorful world of Hentai for yourself and to better understand it and its stark contrast to conventional porn.


INT, 2023
81 min., OV

We are so over clichés and sexism in mainstream porn, you too? Great!
Once again our STRAIGHT PORN SHORTS put non-heteronormative and creative alternatives in the spotlight. Besides embracing the stimulating and steaming hot cinematic explorations in this selection, this film category is a dare directed at the paradigm of cis straight gazed porn production to break out of stereotypes and apply inclusive standards. Straight, queer, or ace - all he, she, theys are welcome!


EU, 2023
91 min., OV
Soak up all these funny, juicy and intriguing visual trips and take them with you to create your own powerful future! You are unsure about what to wear on your juicy porn vacation, because social anxiety knocks on the door? In our collective vacation we will show you a potpourri of lustful tricks on how to deal with those bad days. Come with us on an erotic escape, create your own reality and empower yourself in this broad range of feelings, sexual realities and fantasies. Let’s challenge structural and political frames and change the world of porn! #bettertogether on the „Juicy Team Journey“